Parametric modeling - a tool that allows new paths in architecture.
The changing needs of architects for planning tools have led them to adopt methods from other sectors.
Digital tools in architectural design continue to evolve and are no longer indispensable as effective supports for the daily tasks of the practicing architect. Used for several decades by the industry, but long considered to be inaccessible and limited in terms of design freedom, parametric modelling is today a solid asset for the design and management of architectural projects. It enables many complex structural and shell solutions to be tested very quickly, and brings many other advantages.
Our architectural office has taken this innovative approach into practice and is sharing its expertise with the public: Our Specialist in BIM, Etienne Goffard, ARCHITECT D.E.A., trainer for the House of Training, explains to the participants how to set up an algorithm to model a project. He invites architects, interior designers and draughtsmen to understand the notion of parametric modelling and to apply classical design software such as ArchiCad to draw and design in a new way.
Play with our logo !
Use left click to rotate. Use right click to move. Use the mouse's wheel for zoom in/out. Use several sliders to change the shape, the size and the structure and even some random parameters of the different logo's letters. This allows you to get a small overview of the possibilities that parametric design offers and how we use it at Belvedere Architecture.
©BELVEDERE Architecture (drawn by EGO)